"Leo" is an upcoming Indian Tamil-language action thriller film directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, who co-wrote it with Rathna Kumar and Deeraj Vaidy. It is produced by S. S. Lalit Kumar of Seven Screen Studio, which had distributed and co-produced Master, while Vijay's manager Jagadish serves as a co-producer
. The film stars Joseph Vijay, Sanjay Dutt, Trisha Krishnan, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Priya Anand, Mysskin, Mathew Thomas, Joju George, Denzil Smith, Arjun Sarja, Madonna Sebastian, Babu Antony, Jaffer Sadiq, Kathir, Mansoor Ali Khan, George Maryan, Santhi Mayadevi, and Sandy Master
. The film is expected to release on October 19, 2023
. The film is expected to release on October 19, 2023
. Two songs from the film, "Naa Ready" and "Glimpse of Antony Das", have been released on YouTube.
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